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I am Not The "healer"

Through experience, I've learned how to hold space and which tools to offer to create strong containers where people are empowered to heal themselves.

These offerings are not Band-Aids. I Invite you, if you're ready, to explore more. Get ready for transformation. Be ready for deep and abiding shifts in your life. 


Somatic Healing



Meet Rose

Rose Amaru is

  • Ordained Priestess with Quimera Iseum, Temple of Isis
  • Certified Tantra Educator, with Source School of Tantra Yoga
  • Advanced Trauma-Informed Somatic Practitioner, with the Phoenix Path

She is founder of the Temple of Sweet Nectar, with the mission to awaken the ecstatic potential within, creating transformational containers that liberate consciousness from suffering by teaching trauma informed practices that blend sacred sexuality, somatics and magic with spiritual awakening, allowing one to savor the Sweet Nectars of life.

You can check out her older work as podcast host of The Sex, Spirituality & Psychedelics Show.

Rose is a mother of 3+ and in a beautiful conscious loving relationship. She additionally is a Stewart of Blue Deer Ranch, a 247 acre center.